(404) 910-9632
Serving Clients Nationwide
Equipment Sales & Design - Personal Training - Coaching

The Shifflet Fit Philosophy
Your fitness coach and the workout environment are directly related to your success and it being a sustainable exercise model. I'm offering a practical application of everything I have learned over the many years training as an athlete, coaching elite athletes for competition and working in the fitness industry. Many of us require a coach that will take interest in how we feel and motivate us to move in the right direction.
I individualize programs for people to incorporate in to their daily lives. Backed by evidence, I focus on educating clients in ways that can support their goals and exercise adherence.
My program is a dynamic total-body circuit training exercise workout. Most of the circuit training exercises are completed on your feet. We do not sit down on a traditional exercise machine to isolate any particular muscle. During a workout the exercises can be completed in small clusters or in the order you choose. Complete the entire circuit as fast as possible without working against the body. I strive to provide an optimal training environment. Cable systems, fitness sleds, free weights, agility equipment and most important your body will allow you to get an incredible workout each and every time.
Once you have mastered the exercises, I can offer you the opportunity to purchase your own equipment and help set-up your workout space if you choose. Happens all the time!