(404) 910-9632
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Equipment Sales & Design - Personal Training - Coaching

Get the competitive edge with our designed circuit training program. Dynamic sport related stability, agility, strength & endurance training. Programming that will translate to your sport and build a foundation for total-body strength. Many of the exercises will be different then anything you have done in the past!
Minimum of twice a week is recommended for results
Workouts range from 40 - 60 minutes start to finish
Limited enrollment, check our calendar for available times.
The Train Grounded Athlete program is completed in two phases, the onboarding (learning) phase and then the group or individual (performance) phase.
Phase 1: Onboarding $300 to understand and learn the movements, technique, philosophy and mentality that is best. The onboarding will be done with 1-3 other new members at the available offered times.
Phase 2: Once you are able to perform the basics you will graduate to a group performance setting with other athletes at $25.00 per workout. Group circuit classes are capped at six athletes.
Family discount of $50 is offered with onboarding.
Individual performance workouts are available at $65
Please call for the team workout program and pricing.
Do you desire something different as your exercise routine? Tired of the long cardio workouts?
Don't work against your body and protect skeletal muscle with our designed exercise program. Sustainable, efficient, total-body circuits.
Minimum of twice a week is recommended for results
Workout times range from 40 - 60 minutes
Limited enrollment, check calendar for available times
Eight workout package (individual)
2x per week = $400 -
Eight workout package (partner workout)
2x per week = $300 ea -
Twelve session workout package (individual)
3x per week = $600 -
Twelve session workout package (partner workout)
3x per week = $450 ea -
Single workout $65